If you have been following me on social media or know me personally, by now you know that my life has gotten a little more exciting lately... and I'm not exactly single anymore.
After the excitement dies down, the next question many of my friends are asking is, "what about your blog?"
Well, It isn't going anywhere... There will definitely be some changes in the near future, but my message and passions are still the same. I've spent an important time in my life single, and I still have words to share on the subject with all my faithfuls who may still be going through this season of life. Having said that, I hope you will forgive me if I stray a little and share some from my new adventures!
I realize this is more of a mini-post life update, but I've already posted more this month than any other month since my blog went live! ... maybe I can keep it up and you will hear from me more often!
Thanks for all the encouragement and prayers you have sent my way. I hope you realize how much I cherish each and every one of you! This blog wouldn't be as meaningful or successful without your feedback and encouragement through this process.
Just in case you were keeping track - POST # 12!!!! and between those 12 posts, the blog has been read over 1300 times! Thanks again for the support, and as always, I'm praying for you!
I just found your blog through "The Quiet Place" & am glad I did! Can't wait to hear more about your "new" adventures =)!
P.S.: I've also got a blog focused on my single journey - you can visit it here: