Tuesday, April 16, 2013

So much has happened....

So much has happened since my last post, and I've had several conversations with my self about what to write next. (does it sound less creepy if those conversations were inaudible?) Despite these ideas, I've yet to sit down and actually write, sorry!

As for the end of February and beginning of March, I was in the middle of wedding plans. One of my younger sisters married the man of her dreams a little over a month ago. I can't help but think of the irony. My last relationship ended 10 years ago the week she got married. The Lord really does have a sense of humor. I can't wait to laugh about all this when I'm sitting with Him in heaven. I would also like for Him to explain so many of the scientific mysteries we ponder here on Earth. There is so much about this world I don't understand, but there is so much about this world that is divinely planned. In my line of work as a science teacher, I frequently run across the wonders of our world and am reminded of His awesomeness. However, my students will be the first to tell you that I do not profess to know everything nor do I expect to understand everything. I'm content knowing that my God is in control and that He made the beautiful world we live in. Yet, so many of us are driven to question everything around us, including the life events and trials we face, tragedies like the bombing yesterday that bring us to our knees again.

We are human, mere babies in the eyes of God. We've lived just a short time and there is so much we don't understand, not to mention the fact that we think we know everything and act like we have it all under control. Sound familiar? Have you said that about a younger sibling? young cousin? neighborhood teen? yourself?

I don't profess to know why the bombing happened yesterday or why you are facing trials, whether they be singleness, loneliness, family issues, or something else entirely. However, I do know that trials are when we grow closer to God. Without trials and temptations we would be spoiled little children, receiving everything we want, when we want, exactly as requested, not the humble, serving children of God. We are HIS and He is watching over each and every one of us. Should I join Him tomorrow, I know my family and friends would grieve, but like so many before me, I would be where I belong, in the arms of my GOD. I was made to enjoy his presence and to glorify Him with every fiber of my being. Every moment on this Earth, I'm getting closer to the eternity where I will be praising and glorifying my heavenly Father forever.

So often we worry about the little things, the grades due tomorrow (yep I procrastinated... still working on them), what we will wear or say, how we will spend our earthly days, why something happened, and we miss the big picture entirely. We are HIS. Our heavenly Father is going to take care of us, if we simply let Him and follow his lead. No matter what temptation or trial you find yourself facing today, remember we are the children of a mighty God and He just wants you to glorify Him with your earthly life until it is time to join Him.

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